Why should I use the Nurturing Parenting Programs?
The Nurturing Parenting Programs are cost effective, validated, family centered programs that have proven effectiveness in treating and preventing the recurrence of child abuse and neglect. Since 1983 the Nurturing Parenting Programs have been helping families learn new attitudes and skills designed to reduce family dysfunction.
What program should I use?
There are different programs for agencies to use depending on the services they are providing and the populations they are working with. There are programs for education-prevention called Primary Prevention, programs for prevention-intervention called Secondary Prevention and programs for intervention-treatment called Tertiary Prevention.
Do I need to use all the materials listed for the program?
All of the materials listed for the program are built back into the program through the Lesson Guides that the staff uses to implement the program. Each session uses different materials that are needed to help reinforce new attitudes and skills for that particular session.
Are the Nurturing Parenting Programs evidenced-based?
The Nurturing Parenting Programs are evidenced–based programs recognized by National Registry of Evidenced-based Programs and Practices (NREPP), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (OJJDP), Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) and Child Welfare League of America (CWLA).
Do I need training to implement the programs?
Training is necessary to ensure proper understanding and implementation of the Nurturing Parenting Programs. The success of the programs depends on competent, qualified professionals understanding the implementation, goals and philosophy of the program.
Trainings are posted on the website. Agencies can also host trainings through their agency by contacting the
Family Nurturing Center:
How do I measure the effectiveness of the program?
The Nurturing Parenting Programs have various tools to assess and evaluate the program. The Adult Adolescent Parenting Inventory gathers beliefs parents have about raising children in five individual constructs. The Nurturing Skills Competency Scales gather information about the parents, their partners, knowledge the parent's have of different parenting practices and how often parents use appropriate parenting practices. The Family Nurturing Plan is a form the parent educators use to measure the progress the parents are making. The Family Nurturing Journal is a document the parents use to monitor their progress in learning program competencies.
Are the Nurturing Parenting Programs easy to use?
Yes, the Nurturing Parenting Programs are very user friendly. The programs are very structured. Each session is a lesson plan listing the activity, time, construct and materials needed to implement the session. Parents read their parent handbook prior to group/home visit. The facilitator uses the lesson guide that has the teaching goal, procedures, notes and suggestions for each session.
May I copy Nurturing Parenting Program materials to share with others?
All Nurturing Parenting Program materials are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any manner, including placement on the Internet. Please help us preserve the integrity of the Nurturing Parenting philosophy.